Career Summary “Yoshio Ichiryu”

DATE OF BIRTH: January 3, 1946
1968 BA in Liberal Arts, University of Tokyo
1973 Master of Public Administration,
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

1968 | Joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry |
1970 | Secretary to the Minister of International Trade and Industry (Mr. Kiichi Miyazawa and Mr. Kakuei Tanaka) |
1977 | Director, Energy Conservation Division, International Energy Agency (Paris) |
1984 | Secretary to the Minister of International Trade and Industry(Mr.Keijiro Murata) |
1987 | Director, International Energy Policy Division |
1992 |
Director, Budget and Accounts Division, Minister’s Secretariat |
1994 | Director-General, Petroleum Department, Agency of Natural Resources and Energy |
1995 | Director-General, Machinery and Information Industries Policy, Machinery and Information Industries Bureau |
1996 | Director-General for Policy Coordination, Minister’s Secretariat |
1997 | Executive Director, Research Institute of International Trade and Industry (MITI/RI) |
1998 | Retired the Ministry of International Trade and Industry |
1998- |
Advisor, KPMG AZSA.LLC (former Arthur Andersen Japan) [incumbent]. Director, Knowledge Management Society of Japan(-2015) Advisor, Shiroyama Sogo Law Office [incumbent] |
1999 | Representative Coordinator, Venture Community (-2009) |
2000 |
Advisor, Business Innovation Centre Osaka (-2012) Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economics, Saitama University(2000-2001,2003-2007) Founder of Ichiryu Associates, Inc. |
2001 | Judge, Entrepreneur of the Year Japan(-2010) |
2002 | Wakayama Corporate Sommelier Committee (Wakayama Prefectural Office) [incumbent] |
2003 |
Auditor, SALA Corporation(-2006) Advisory Committee, a support organization for ventures “TSUNAMI” [incumbent] |
2004 |
The chief of the judges “Campus Venture Grand-Prix Tokyo(CVGT)” (-2012) Director, The Japan Academic Society for Ventures and Entrepreneurs [incumbent] |
2005 | Deputy Principal, Toyama-pref. Academy for Future Enterpreneurs (-2021) |
2006 |
Director, SALA Corporation(-2006) Radio personality, “Ichiryu Yoshio no Kansai Business Sinkaron (Business Evolution)” (Radio Osaka)(-2008) |
2007 |
Director, The Iwatani Naoji Foundation [incumbent] |
2008 |
Radio personality, “Ichiryu Yoshio no Genki to Chie no Keiei (Think Positive,Act Wisely)” (MBS Radio)(-2008) Special Advisor, Gifu-pref. Entrepreneur Academy (-2010) Chairman, Ichiryu-Juku(Excellence Academy) [incumbent] Anchor Person, “Next Wave:Ichiryu Yoshio no Kokorozashi(Yoshio Ichiryu’s Will)” a TV program of BS Fuji(-2009) |
2010 |
Anchor Person, “Next Wave:Ichiryu Yoshio no Kokoroiki” a TV program of BS Fuji(-2010) Anchor Person(TV program of BS-TBS),“ ~Ichiryu Yoshio ga kataru~ Nippon no mirai (The Future of Japan ~Yoshio Ichiryu’s mention ~)” (-2011) |
2012 |
Anchor Person(TV program of BS TV TOKYO), “ ~Ichiryu Yoshio ga tou~ Nippon no mirai (The Future of Japan ~ Yoshio Ichiryu mention ~)” [incumbent] |
2014 | Director, SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD[incumbent] |
2023 |
Opened YouTube「Ichiryu-channel」 Representative Director, General Incorporated Association Research Organization for Building Japan’s Future [incumbent] |